Monday, July 23, 2007

Why I hate newspapers....

Ok, I'm as polite as the next person, but I draw the line if you have something on your face. I refuse to let anyone in my vicinity walk around looking like a goon because I was too "polite" to tell them they had broccoli in their teeth or a big black smudge on their face.

Today, I started my morning off reading the paper...I don't always read the paper, I usually have no extra time in the morning. But today, I had a few extra minutes to grab a paper and read it with my morning coffee. Apparently while reading said newspaper my fingers were coated in that lovely black ink that all newspapers leave behind.

At noon today...NOON!!!! I was talking to a friend down the hall from my office and she said, "Oh Regina, did you know you have a large black mark on your nose?" Did I know I had a large black mark on my nose??...NO, I did not know that. Do I know when I got said black mark on my nose??...YES! I got said mark at 7:00 AM this morning....FIVE HOURS before my nice friend brought it to my attention!!

So the moral of this story, PLEASE don't be polite....TELL a sister if she's got something ON her face, IN her teeth, or even IN her nose...she'll thank you later...I Promise!!


flee said...

That is so awesome! I wish I could've been there. That's penance for not coming to see us next month! Hee hee!!!!

Love you eva so much...

Our Family said...

How funny! But there's no way I'd be laughing right after it happened. I know what you mean, why wouldn't someone have told you. It's not like you would have done that on purpose!