Monday, February 9, 2009

Appreciation and blessings...

I just have to give a shout out to my sweet, wonderful husband. Lately he has started checking both cars at night to see if they need gas.. if so, he goes and fills them up... I haven't put gas in my car in months. And I know it's just a simple thing, but it is SOO nice to get in a car and just go... I love not having to worry about stopping at the gas station.

Not only does he do that, but he also washes my car, vacuums it out... He just takes SUCH good care of everything.

It still amazes me that the man you marry, the one you love more than anything and can't imagine loving more.. I love how that love grows, how it deepens. And granted, we're still relative newlyweds, but everyday of being with this man reminds me of how blessed I am. I praise God for giving me this wonderful husband. God truly did build him just for me :)

So even when picking up shoes and laundry that my sweet husband leaves ALL around the house, I still thank the Lord that I get to pick up those things, and not someone else. Because as mad as that man may make me, he is still MY blessing.


Stephanie said...

I noticed a little ticker on the left side of your page! Congratulations!

Carrie Brown said...

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! ...and you think it will get better after the baby is born with the picking up...for me it never changes, as hard as he tries!!! So I totally understand, but I will say, I too feel blessed everyday to be married to my husband...but I don't share the joy in picking up his things...because I have to pick of all four of our things now!!! I will say, I would not trade him!!! Ahhh the joys of being a wife!!!